Miguel Erazo's Page at UPRM |
Ph.D. student of Computer Science |
Department of Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering |
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez |
Phone: 787-464-2551 email: miguel.erazo@ece.uprm.edu |
Education  |
- Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, (In progress)
- M.S. in Computer Engineering, University of Puerto Rico (UPRM), Mayaguez, 2006
- B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), La Paz, 1999
Research Interests  |
- Network design and modelling
- Simulation and performance analysis of wireless networks
- Security and protocols for wireless sensor networks
- Wireless mesh networks
- Optimal scheduling mechanisms for MAC protocols
Publications |
ns-2 |
- M. Erazo., Y. Qian., K. Lu and D. Rodríguez, "Analysis and Design of a MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Networks with Periodic Monitoring Applications", submitted to MILCOM 2007 |
- M. Erazo, Y. Qian, “SEA-MAC: Simple Energy Aware MAC Protocol
for Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring”, Proceedings of
ISWPC’2007, San Juan, PR, February 2007. |
- M. Erazo., Y. Qian, "An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks for Wide Area Large Scale Environmental Monitoring", Fourth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology. LACCEI 2006, June 2006. |